I'm interested to know hobbies in the fedi
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What's your favorite part about it?
Gaming and anime still count !

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club It's looking cool! I'll make sure to check it out and perhaps stream it once it's out

@waifu much appreciated! I've worked on it since Oct 2015 and I'm glad it's finally time to release it.


@waifu nearly, yeah. Not that I was working on it 24/7 but still. It's a really big game and I did pretty much everything except for the voice acting, art, sound effects, and some of the writing. Plus community plug-ins and stuff ofc. 99% of the NPCs are unique with names and they all have day/night/week schedules that they follow, so I had to create an entire wiki to keep track of all of them and their history and such so I could write fitting dialogue for them and everything.

@beardalaxy@gameliberty.club:anko_surprised:​ that's amazing actually, I am excited to see it!

@waifu thanks :D it'll be free too so I'm hoping a lot of people will give it a shot :)

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.