When the right side of history turns out to be a "corporate fad" (as described by Bloomberg Surveillance)

@crunklord420 why do these people have such a big problem with being labeled as having a mental illness/disorder? I thought we were supposed to be accepting of those.

@beardalaxy like always it's entirely based around gas lighting. Technically speaking gender dysphoria is a mental illness. The mental illness is "treated" by becoming a tranny. Being a tranny isn't a mental illness, it's a treatment for being mentally ill. This is literally the medical situation.
@beardalaxy I think if people left it at that, it'd be much simpler. But this "treatment" apparently requires all of society to play pretend with the mentally ill. Clown world.

@crunklord420 I just watched a little YouTube documentary about a gamer guy named ullillillia or something who has really bad OCD and I found it very commendable that he didn't try to whine about it and force the world to cater to him. That's the part that pushes people away from being sympathetic.

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