>Lincoln and his brother sewed raccoon skin on a dog to "shut it up" In his own autobiography [See Edit].
What the fuck?

This is not Lincoln's auto-biography, which were all very short and for newspapers, but Wayne Whipple's biography of Lincoln's youth:
Whipple was using first person in describing what others have told him, which was acceptable practice in 1908, but not now. His sources, namely Lincoln's family and friends, are still reliable. In some sense this makes Lincoln's behavior worse, as this is all we know of what he did and was caught doing. Apologies for the mistakes! Sic semper tyrannis!

@SuperSnekFriend what the FUCK
Like okay, bored and rebellious teens doing rambunctious stuff... I get that. Sneaking out to go kill raccoons, that makes sense. But SEWING THEIR PELTS TO A DOG?? THE FUCK

The "Honest Abe" and "Christian Lincoln" myths were drilled hard into Americans and school children throughout the decades for a reason. If Lincoln's psychopathy and faggotry was open to all, then no Yankee worth his salt would have fought for him nor would have thought they were in the right killing hundreds of thousands of whom they believed to be fellow Americans.
Lincoln's press gangs were worse than Zelinsky's.
@PodunkPotato @beardalaxy
Zelenskyy is brought down by a couple of very key factors: 1. His own people hates him, only tolerating his rule and behavior because Putin, Lukashenko, and the current war are worse, in their eyes. 2. The Western Internet, for now, prevents total control over information. The Ukraine does not have the infrastructure or laws like Russia and China have to try and limit the Internet's impact on the free flow of information.

Those two were completely absent in the mid 1800's. Majority of Yankees had a generally favorable of Lincoln, especially after the assassination, and the war, despite the sizable Northern dissident groups that opposed both. Lincoln also infamously went after journal presses that refused to tote the party line, especially early on in Maryland to prevent that state from seceding. You could not easily prove or disprove claims being written in yellow presses and abolitionist propaganda mills, due to logistics of researching those facts. Most people were too busy surviving or barely subsisting to care enough. That's why many myths still persist about the war, the North, and the South, like Lee torturing some of his slaves, which was slander by an abolitionist paper claiming to have one of his ex-slaves as a witness.
i should play through ultimate general civil war again some time it's such a good game
Does it have multiplayer? I could get it and we can hook up on Steam to play it some day. :jahy_oooh:
i'd still recommend playing it. union and confederacy are fun for different strategic reasons and play differently in subtle ways.
@SuperSnekFriend @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy >> Zelenskyy is brought down by a couple of very key factors: 1. His own people hates him, only tolerating his rule and behavior because Putin, Lukashenko, and the current war are worse, in their eyes.

East Europe is full of historic ancestral racial strife that is alien to us.

Ukraine is an artificial construct of the Soviet Union, most of its current territory is inhabited by ethnic Russians who patiently await for the war to end once and for all and join Russia.

The Zelensky people are part of a racialist nationalist cult that back in WWII fought alongside Hitler and happily went after anything Russian, specially the Christian peasantry, very funny that today like back them, many are of Jewish heritage, including Zelensky.

Never lose sight that the kikes are the ones playing on these artificial hatreds and orchestrated: "Putin and Lukashenko are worse" that is their doing too. (I'm not saying those two are good or bad, just pointing the finger at the manipulative kikes)

The west's is not about information control but disinformation control.
@PalePimp @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy
>Ukraine is la NATO construct
I'm not arguing anymore with you Putin faggots after what happened the past couple of days, especially on this Lord's day. This thread isn't for you vomiting Russia Today talking points.

Get that bullshit out of my timeline.
I'd rather not talk about it right now, for my sake. :gura_pain:
@PalePimp @SuperSnekFriend @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy Its jews being jews. Jews fostered nationalism in Ukraine, "you must overthrow evil Rusky tzar, goys!", and later "evil Ruskie commies in Moscow starved you to death because they hate you! But dont you dare to bring that up with anyone, it makes jews look like less of a victim!"
Whole thing is just jews jewing. Same thing with putin, "we must kill evil hohols, they are nazis, they oppress Russians!" All while banning Russian only schools, and investigating whenever saying "Russia is for Russians" should be considered a crime. As putin said "Only idiots would say that Russia is for Russians"
@PalePimp @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy >Ukraine is an artificial construct of the Soviet Union, most of its current territory is inhabited by ethnic Russians who patiently await for the war to end once and for all and join Russia.
That's wrong on a few levels. A lot of ethnic Russians live there who migrated during the Soviet Union. Also a lot of other "ethnic Russians" there used to be Ruthenian, which was a dominant ethnicity in The Ukraine until they were written out of existence by the Soviet Union and reclassified as "Russian". By this logic, your own statement is also a Soviet construct. Zelensky is garbage, but the people there are not. They've basically always been distinct even if often a vassal of Russia or a European power. Their name even suggests as much.
@BowsacNoodle @PalePimp @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy Right right; the distinction is at least as real as Southerners vs Yanks.
@BowsacNoodle @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PalePimp @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy that's how you make bread tho, you have to punch the dough after it rises, i dunno why BUT I know you have to.

@BowsacNoodle @beardalaxy @PodunkPotato @PalePimp How does their name suggest that? They were a no-man’s-land battle royale thunderdome between Russia, Poland, and the Muslims until Russia took it over. Their ethnicity was elevated relative to Russia by the USSR in their attempt to dilute Russian influence on the USSR.

@griffith @beardalaxy @PodunkPotato @BowsacNoodle @PalePimp
the reason it's called "The netherlands" is because it's actually means "the borderlands" in French. it was always Belgian territory
Can we at least settle Alsace–Lorraine first?
@griffith @beardalaxy @PodunkPotato @PalePimp The borderlands or whatever it translates to suggests that it's a distinct place. Unless you don't consider "The Netherlands" to be its own country?

@BowsacNoodle @beardalaxy @PodunkPotato @PalePimp It doesn’t really. I don’t see how “area between countries” translates to its own place, other than signifying lawlessness.
It’s just a fact that Ukrainian identity was elevated by the USSR.

@griffith @beardalaxy @PodunkPotato @PalePimp So you don't consider "The Netherlands" to be a real country?
I think he's french. He forgets Napoleon got cold.

@BowsacNoodle @beardalaxy @PodunkPotato @PalePimp I’m just pointing out again that in reality it wasn’t much of developed culture, and got fleshed out by the USSR to counter Russian influence.

@BowsacNoodle @griffith @beardalaxy @PodunkPotato @PalePimp to be fair i don't personally consider the netherlands to be a real country either, nor belgium ESPECIALLY BELGIUM
@BowsacNoodle @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy How did the modern borders of Ukraine came to be?

Also now that you are at it, how did Odessa came to become Ukrainian...?

Who was Stepan Bandera why did he fight alongside the Wehrmacht in WWII, and what is his relationship to the current Ukrainian military command.
@PalePimp @BowsacNoodle @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy I don’t think anybody here disputes the artificial drunken Churchill/Stalin Ukraine border fiasco. But it doesn’t automatically write certain peoples out of existence, which is the counterpoint being made.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica @BowsacNoodle @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy Bombarding your fellow Ukrainian populations living in the Donbass (since at least 2014) doesn't count as erasing certain people from existence?
@PalePimp @BowsacNoodle @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy I’m sorry, where did I say that ? Maybe there’s some unintended insinuation in my post so please sincerely point it out.
@PalePimp @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy Why does this conversation always go in circles? I'm explicitly not defending NATO, zelensky, etc. The argument that Ukraine isn't a real country and there are no ethnic Ukrainians is retarded Russian propaganda.
@BowsacNoodle @PalePimp @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy It’s exactly like that “hate Trump, eh? Guess you want Biden to win hurp derp”. But the International Edition.
Nuance is for nonces. Take a stand. I don't care where.
I have a buddy whose tagline is "you know, I don't know"
gong to a restaurant with him is a chore.
@reallyangry @BowsacNoodle @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy
Nuance? Humility? Good will toward fellow Whites? In dissident right circles? Are you mad? Are you a Reddit user or something?
@SuperSnekFriend @reallyangry @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy I untagged you because I felt bad 💩 in your thread after you said you were done talking about all thatm Hope you don't mind but sorry if it annoyed you.
@BowsacNoodle @reallyangry @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy
No problem! I had to respond in positive jest to ReallyAngry because, by gosh by golly, do posters, myself sometimes included, really not care about nuance or epistemological humility, observed after so many painful hellthreads. :bocchibreakdown:
@BowsacNoodle @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy >>The argument that Ukraine isn't a real country and there are no ethnic Ukrainians is retarded Russian propaganda.

That is not the argument at all, the argument is that the west-installed Kike-banderite government ruling Kiev decided to go genocidal for national-ethnic reasons.

The rationale that modern Ukraine is a political construct of the Soviets came into the spotlight well after 2020.
@PalePimp @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy Then it seems we're talking past each other. My issue has always been brother wars and the claim that Ukrainians aren't a real people. I despise Zelensky and the zog puppet regime running the Ukrainian government.
@BowsacNoodle @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy >>Then it seems we're talking past each other.

If I gave that impression it wasn't my intention, I've never disputed Ukraine was a country nor never said there aren't a unique people there, I've said from the beginning that there are "ethnic conflicts" that relate to the war, conflicts that are alien to the west and that the kikes used to drive a wedge between them.

There was no need for this war whatsoever, its only purpose was to use the crazies in the Ukraine side to try to weaken Russia so the (((west))) could plunder both Ukraine and Russia for the next 250 years.

Yes, modern Ukraine was "assembled" by the Soviets, so what? Most of the borders of Europe changed before, during and and after WWI and WWII, that is not the point.

And now the borders are going to change again because stupid, but alas, REALITY.
@PalePimp @KingOfWhiteAmerica @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy Hypicrite I am, for I was so quick to assume your motives. Forgive me.
@BowsacNoodle @PalePimp @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy There were insufficient Mastadon logos to think we all *really* disagree - usually it boils down to perspective artifacts.
@BowsacNoodle @PalePimp @PodunkPotato @beardalaxy You're certainly not aware of the soviet policy of "ukrainisation"
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