i'm an accelerationist (i prioritize acceleration over top speed in racing games)
@coolboymew in NFS games it's essentially the key to winning, but it's also good on other racing games
@mischievoustomato you recover from mistakes very well with high accelerations
@mischievoustomato Play Sonic All Star Racing Transformed, it's fantastic
@beardalaxy @mischievoustomato I haven't even checked footage

Sonic Team Racing was on the same engine but... it was somehow ultra disappointing. The Team gimmick sucks and the tackled on "mobile" crap like story mode sucked ass. They should've just went for a generic campaign like Transformed instead, because it makes it look ultra cheap otherwise
@beardalaxy @mischievoustomato I got it for 20$ and meh. I need to play it more though but the story mode sucks ass, if at least they didn't go the way of "DS spin-off games you expect 5 years old to have" with how cheap it is
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