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@djsumdog @icedquinn @KuteboiCoder there's an entire internet historian episode dedicated to how twitter users gaslit chatbots into getting themselves banned

People keep thinking the recursive nature of machine learning will mimic what's in animals and we'll see LLMs show us the secret of consciousness .... in reality the ingestion of both real content and AI generated content (that's treated as real content) will likely end up making LLMs dumber ...

The AI is not making people stupider. People are going to make the AI stupider.

@xianc78 I can come up with good songs but realizing them into a tangible form is another story.



Pussy from a girl who doesn't understand why her game crashed while she was installing a graphics driver

@ActivistPost They're probably already using cellular service which effectively has the same problems but on a local scale only

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.