ayo, system shock remake is 55% off on steam right now. play it, it's good! i haven't beaten it because i have so much other shit i've been playing but i do really like it so far.

You've probably guessed this is part of the reason I'm not on here very often. Aside from the overall lack of interesting things to read, you are correct.

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I think Mastodon would have a lot less of it's potential as a platform stifled if libtards like the ones at meow.social didn't keep absolutely gargantuan domain-level blacklists, that prevent people who would get along just fine from communicating, based on the assumption that all users from a particular instance are nazis or something.

A friend of mine tried to migrate away from Twitter, and gave up as soon as he realized he had to be on a specific server just to talk to me. Tried to hold his hand through it but he lost interest by that point. Most people have higher expectations for a platform like this to be more unified, and the freedom to shut out whoever you please as the webmaster of your own instance comes at a price.

No idea how this guy got 6 million subs and I've never heard of him before, but this guy's explanation of US-EU relations and the underlying causes of the RU-UA war is very concise and interesting.


Might be good for your normie friends this Christmas.

I'm not sure how I feel about this new God of War TV series 🤔 might be good or possibly the worst thing ever.

#godofwar #sony #playstation

Thank you Henry Cavill for being the #superman of my generation🙏. Definitely saddened by this news. First The Witcher and now this. Shiiiiit James Bond, Marvel, Star Wars, fuck it give him a wand and make him a wizard; whoever you are, offer this man a contract because he will for sure kill it and you guys won’t regret it 🙌
#dc #comics #films #movies #decu #geeksocial #mastodon

@graf @GrungeQueef I torrent without a VPN on public trackers on Windows 10, nothing scares me
@graf :siren: REMINDER :siren:

The antifa fags are doxxing people again after a hiatus of several months. DO NOT POST ANY POTENTIALLY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION OR IMAGES ON FEDI OR ELSEWHERE!!!!!

note: I reposted it without any sensitive information this time, sorry.
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Fact check: Capybaras don't mind being alone, but they also live in groups of up to 40. :chadybara:
yo is this dude bald cuz he's rolling around in nuclear waste as a fetish thing? Pamperchu got cancer from wearing diapers he microwaved and wore, so I'm not ruling it out.
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If you want to see for yourself how far a lie can travel, just look at how Fedi still believes fba.ryona.agency is a kiwi farms op because of an outdated git link.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.