@FallenFadedLostItAll@freak.university @applejack @Aldo2 that's the thing, people assume the age of consent is a thing of "difference of age is bad" when it's more along the lines of "we don't know exactly when someone is fully capable to consent so let's set a standard in age so that it gives people time to develop as a person in that regard before they approach that" The main red flag with adult child relations is none of this gender exploration, it's always down to a matter of "are they in the proper state to consent". I'll read the rest of that earlier post to see if you addressed this but it's like what I said earlier, we can't tell if a drunk person is able to consent so we just wait until they are sober. If we had a way to know they are fully capable to consent, that'd be fine but until then it's best to wait