>BBC gaming reporter
This is how I'm fucking finding out that's a thing
>final purge if you disagree with SBI
Who's gonna buy the games, shitfuck.
@zoomgoboom if dork-nerds who just NOT PLAY these games... or, if they absolutely must, pirate them.

the industry needs tens and tens of thousands of layoffs.

@haberdasher @zoomgoboom Already starting.

Corpo-faggots so butthurt about it, they wrote a Wikipedia article, LOL

@zoomgoboom @coded_artist @haberdasher You shouldn't be celebrating people losing their jobs. This is why we need UBI.

@hachi @zoomgoboom @haberdasher If your job is evil, you should lose it.
"If the truth shall kill them, let them die."

As for UBI, you can take your communism and shove it up your bisexual ass.

@hachi @coded_artist @haberdasher @zoomgoboom your sexual orientation is "bee-fag", bee-fag. also, stop being blocked by Poa.st, bee-fag.
@coded_artist @hachi @zoomgoboom @haberdasher may the invisible hand strike them down inshallah. millions must be laid off. billion even.
@coded_artist @haberdasher @zoomgoboom even big tech and other places had layoffs I'm assuming because post covid profit ran out early
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