Gun violence is never the answer. 

While I do wish Trump to outer space without a suit, shooting on him in public or people is never ever a solution!

This will only aggravate the MAGA rage even more and they will become even more extreme..

The only way these extremist can react is by making things even worse because hell is the only thing they truly believe and serve

Do not kill in the name of democracy because that would make you as worse as the dictator himself

We need to VOTE them out


> This will only aggravate the MAGA rage even more and they will become even more extreme..

One wonders at what the "they" did that made them "extreme"; this is the first time a president has been shot since 1980 as far as I can recall. But "they" are "extreme", "they" are full of the "MAGA rage". I mean, where's the presumption that "they" are the "extreme" ones, and at what point do you think you've got to wonder whether it's not "them"?

@p Haha oh god :bloblaugh:

MAGA are an extemist group that so clear, even glass is less transparant :flan_laugh:

Trump is a wannabee dictator that acts like a little child that doesn't get what it wants, is a conviced criminal that is too stupid to be even hypercritical

Sorry but I truly dispite the guy in every way..


@stux @p All the hardship you went through in your life was unjust, but only because you deserved more.
Kill yourself.

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