But if they got too successful, public works projects tended to reduce or eliminate the prosperity. See Tulsa, I-45 in downtown Dallas.
It's always been a "to a certain extent" existence. That's why most black politicians grifted. It guaranteed their family's success. Law of survival.
I speak as someone who sat in colored's wait room in the 70s. I walked to the back to get my food.
@Doll Why is the colored fountain in the first image dirty?
Have you ever heard of a shithole called gaza?
@Sirpantangelini I wish I never had.
Yup. That was probably peak psyop. nearly 2 whole generations were fooled at once.
@Ariovistus That one's big too, but while not as powerful, it will be harder to repair the damage, because jews wear suits and don't shit in the streets or riot and loot several times every year.
The civility with which they coat themselves along with the money and influence they wield, will make it very difficult to snap people out of the holocaust narrative.