
True and real.
Even the vaxx psyop wasn't as successful.

Remember that Baby Boomers, even some fairly right wing ones, idolize the 60s in the same erroneous way Millennials do the 90s
I've only very rarely seen a Boomer realize this and snap out of it. My mom was one.
The single most sensible and racist boomer I know still buys into that horseshit to a degree. They're hard wired at this point, it's pretty fucked up.
Unbelievably. But then I have to remember what it took to deprogram me.
Sometimes. Sometimes they weren't because their black ass wasn't supposed to be on that side of the town.

Or maybe that little corner over there is the black side of town. It would successfully limit the population, that's for damn sure.

The blacks had their own stores, restaurants, etc. on their side of town, and Whites weren't allowed there. They never tell you that.
@Doll @coded_artist I always figured those fountains were merely a photo-op. Like refrigated fountain higher up than a sink or tiny Itty bitty basin set lower than the other fountain too. But, sometimes reality is that if you EVEN had a nigger make their own, they'd fuck that up at the bare minimum.

@Doll Why is the colored fountain in the first image dirty?

@coded_artist It wasn't successful for a number of reasons. Primarily that they exist in a bubble and what they think the American people are and what they really are, are two different things.
They sincerely believed EVERYONE would just bend the knee and go along with what they wanted because they're so hopelessly engulfed in HR corpo culture brainwashing.
It's a whole book to unpack what's going on in their minds but it can be boiled down to 'they're not as smart as they think they are'.


Yup. That was probably peak psyop. nearly 2 whole generations were fooled at once.

@Ariovistus That one's big too, but while not as powerful, it will be harder to repair the damage, because jews wear suits and don't shit in the streets or riot and loot several times every year.
The civility with which they coat themselves along with the money and influence they wield, will make it very difficult to snap people out of the holocaust narrative.

Birmingham has this sculpture of a mean ol' cop with his mean dog attacking an innocent black protester. But the picture it was based on was actually a kid who got too close to the dog and the cop was trying to keep the kid from getting bitten. The black guy in the picture even said so.

The niggers were absolutely horrific, too. They'd put razor blades in the ends of their shoes and try to kick White kids in the calf or achilles tendon. The black section of the movie theaters was in the upper deck, and they'd constantly throw stuff on the people sitting below them, so that there was a de facto dead zone of about three or four seating rows on the ground level where no one could sit. People didn't want to be around them, because they sucked. Same as today.
It's definitely been warped by white guilt over the years but nah, the example he gave was utter horseshit. They were in the same areas, only segregated by race. It's not comparing suburbs to ghettos. Same buses, different parts of the bus being segregated.
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