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TL;DR - esoteric shit, enjoy the pic.

Evil fears him.
They fear to even utter his name.


Fun fact:
According to the Kabala and Jewish mysticism, saying someone's name is giving them power.
A polar opposite of normal people who recognize a threat and speak its name, not to do so is to give in to fear.

Someone's true name gives you a degree of power over them, or at least alleviates some fear from you.

There's truth in both these approaches, but the former was only relevant before the internet.
Now with the Streisand effect, Voldemort-ing someone isn't just pointless, it may even empower them further.

Injecting a fake name into the conversation works better.
It messes with search algorithms, splits hashtags, reducing memetic momentum.


Truth wields more power now than ever.
So go ahead and speak the demon's name, and bring the beast to heel.

"But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out""

The best things in life tend to be white.

PS: I like white internet fox girls.

Kamala won in the end.
We are now "unburdened by what has been".
Just like she said!

Aged like milk.

I have a couple of memes I wanted to drop, but I'm at work.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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