Today, the government announced we have achieved an energy surplus for the first time since 2010. In these first six months energy exports increased 26%, imports decreased 55% and there was an overall $2.7 billion dollar surplus in that sector.
With yuge natural gas deposits, we got so low at one point we were importing Bolivian gas.
Prices this month increased 2%. The lowest since 2021. Considering the situation is more disastrous than then, it's a great sign.
It has been revealed lately that the IMF was willing to give Massa money with very lax conditions, if he won; but is being more strict with Milei. Conspiracy theorists say the IMF might be more willing to give money if they know the government is socialist and will, therefore, go into bigger debt with them.
Regardless, payments to the IMF have now become possible and the country is meeting expectations. Milei assured all debts will be paid.
Attached, the previous administrations' surplus of the budget* (it's actually a deficit) and Milei's meagre surplus 6 months in.
*the value is billions of ARS, but I believe in the anglosphere a billion is 1,000,000,000, while here it's a million millions, so add 3 zeros to the numbers. Then again, the ARS is 1:1000 to the USD so if you take the number in the screenshot it's actually the correct value in USD. I hope this was very confusing.