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Tags: 1900_1945, jews, israel, zionism, germany, national_socialism, nazi, palestine
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You forgot that the rain turned the river back to poopwater and it isn't swimmable. Though I guess that could alleviate itself before it being used.

Or they'll just make the athletes swim in contaminated water.
I love how by now it's just a common occurrence that Irate Gamer and Mister Metokur quote-tweet each other every now and then. :doge_laugh:

Oh yeah, and Mr. Beast apparently knew.

Also, someone dropped this site yesterday:
The Olympics are getting mad at being mocked, Poast your least favorite moments of the opening ceremony on here and we will ignore their copyright requests

@coded_artist well, yeah. And I keep telling that to my wife every time she starts bitching about my breakfast beer. She's not exactly a bird person, see

After the demonic opening of the Olympic games in France.
A blackout, with only a church remaining illuminated.

God hates the French, confirmed.

How is it that every single crow I raise has a drinking problem? 🤔

china's managed economy is so impressive that it's literally the worst performing country with a majority chinese population
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