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An old effort-poast from Gab.

'China has officially broken off from its Marxist roots and transformed its "Socialism with Chinese Characteristics" into a third way ideology. This makes it a uniquely Chinese worldview similar to Hitlerian Germany's "National Socialism" and Mussolinian Italy's "Fascism".

China is not the first former Marxist - Communist state to do this. In 2009, the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, more commonly known in the west as "North Korea", did the same by removing any and all mentions of Marx, Marxism or related communist figures and terms from its national constitution and educational curriculum. Thus, "Korean Juche" became its own "third way" worldview as well.'
~ The Fascifist

While I would certainly classify China and North Korea as 3P ideologies today, I would consider them as deteriorated or decayed Fascism or more aptly, Fascism from the Left. Communist states that don't adhere to International Marxism such as China, North Korea and Cuba tend to operate Fascistically - functionally they operate very similar to National Socialist Germany or Fascist Italy but lack metaphysics or the Soul of the Nation - Blood, Roots, Soil, Traditional, Heritage, God. The only ex-Communist nation that fits that mould today would be North Korea. They have seemed to have blasted past Marxism and come up with their own unique Juche philosophy.

Even Stalinist Soviet Union operated as a National Communist system rather than an International one. Stalin deliberately came up with his "Socialism in One Country" policy because even he, the original Tankie, knew International Communism is an unsustainable farce. But he chased the ghost of a Communist utopia instead of attempting to build a better society for his people.

And therein lies the delineation between Decayed Communism and proper Fascism. The former chases a materialist utopia in an ego-driven power struggle while the latter is a pragmatic approach to build the best society possible out love for its people.

Be a Fascist. Don't be a Tankie.

P.S. I'm not a NazBol, Duginist or Eurasianist.
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