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There’s big protests across Europe against “fascism”, but I get the feeling it’s largely astroturfed. And the true sentiment is held by a silent majority slowly waking up to seeing what Trump is accomplishing for the US!

@dudenamedben33 reminds me of a libertarian i know saying "bro we need sooooooome inflation...we just need it...things wouldn't work without inflation."

I'm down for things not working how they've been working for awhile.

@brigrammer @HonkHonkBoom @Shadowman311 Actually I like the mentality so far, frame these migrant scum for what they are on live TV, pedophiles, drug dealer, criminals. Turn the public against them.
Dr Phil and Tom Homan were personally rounding up illegals in Chicago, here's a video for them arresting a Thai Child Rapist

Tags: article, bashar_al_assad, cia, false_flag, feds, iraq, libya, media, muammar_gaddafi, syria, usa, america, war
Source: The booru is down for now
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