The racial slur of the day is Vodka Nigger.

It is used to refer to Russians.

Deep lore: They like to drink Vodka

The racial slur of the day is Tyvek.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Refers to unusual names given to many black men

The racial slur of the day is Olaf.

It is used to refer to Scandinavians.

Deep lore: Olaf is a common Scandinavians (Swede, Norwegian) name

The racial slur of the day is NASA.

It is used to refer to African Americans.

Deep lore: North American Street Ape

The racial slur of the day is Jafaken.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Refers to a white guy with dredlocks

The racial slur of the day is Fahim.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Arabs use this word meaning charcoal to describe blacks and very dark arabs

The racial slur of the day is Lice.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Self-explanatory

The racial slur of the day is Jabonee.

It is used to refer to Italians.

Deep lore: What American-born Italians call immigrant Italians, as in "He/she is a real Jabonee right off the boat. Can't even speak English." Possibly a real Italian word bastardized by English-speaking Italian-Americans.

The racial slur of the day is Baby-Muncher.

It is used to refer to Chinese.

Deep lore: The Chinese ate their babies because of their poverty stricken homes and to keep down the population.

The racial slur of the day is Pizdaglaz.

It is used to refer to Asians.

Deep lore: Combination of Russian words "pizda" ("cunt") and "glaz(a)" ("eyes") Pronounced "peezdah-glahz." Self-explanatory.

The racial slur of the day is Guachupine.

It is used to refer to Spaniards.

Deep lore: Used in Mexico as reference to disease bringing Spaniards who brought a plague called guachu to the natives when the conquistadores conquered Mexico.

The racial slur of the day is Pumpkinhead.

It is used to refer to Asians.

Deep lore: Asians have relatively large and round heads, which resemble Halloween pumkins.

The racial slur of the day is Bomb Watcher.

It is used to refer to Japanese.

Deep lore: Refers to atom bombs the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII.

The racial slur of the day is Test-Taker.

It is used to refer to Asians.

Deep lore: Asians are always taking standardized tests to further their education.

The racial slur of the day is Slingshot.

It is used to refer to Palestinians.

Deep lore: They use slingshots as weapons

The racial slur of the day is Bomb Watcher.

It is used to refer to Japanese.

Deep lore: Refers to atom bombs the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII.

The racial slur of the day is Japanigger.

It is used to refer to Asians.

Deep lore: Describes Asians of unknown origin.

The racial slur of the day is Nooc.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Coon backwards

The racial slur of the day is Schwoogie.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Believed to be contraction of Yiddish/German schwatrz (black) and boogie.

The racial slur of the day is Gabacho.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Connotes "imperialist"

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.