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The racial slur of the day is Schwoogie.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Believed to be contraction of Yiddish/German schwatrz (black) and boogie.

The racial slur of the day is Gabacho.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Connotes "imperialist"

The racial slur of the day is Vacuum Cleaner.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Their noses represent a vacuum. Also used because they "vacuum up" much cocaine.

The racial slur of the day is Yoko.

It is used to refer to Japanese.

Deep lore: Yoko Ono broke up the Beatles.

The racial slur of the day is Baijo.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Japanese term meaing strangers, used in a hostile way.

The racial slur of the day is Confederate.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Many people in the southern U.S. supported the confederacy in the Civil War, and still display their support with confederate flags. Increasingly being used by the media to denote KKK members who sometimes display the Confederate Battle Flag. The KKK is condemned by most "Confederate" organizations.

The racial slur of the day is Fruit-Picker.

It is used to refer to Hispanics.

Deep lore: The Mexicans who cross the border often pick fruit, usually for pennies an hour. Often, when it is time to give the illegal aliens their meager wages, the plantation owner calls the border patrol to send them back.

The racial slur of the day is Goober.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Black racists in NYC area use it to refer to Whites. Interestingly, the goober peanut was one of the food products imported from Africa for the slaves to eat.

The racial slur of the day is Nappy Head.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Refers to hair type.

The racial slur of the day is Sheethead.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Refers to the KKK.

The racial slur of the day is Elvis.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Used by blacks to describe a white person doing black things, like Elvis did with black music. Eminem is referred to as "Elvis" in the film "8 Mile"

The racial slur of the day is Penny Chaser.

It is used to refer to Jews.

Deep lore: The old "Jews are cheap" thing.

The racial slur of the day is Trash.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Self-explanatory. Usually used as "White trash," "Poor white trash," or "Trailer trash."

The racial slur of the day is Dog-Breath.

It is used to refer to Koreans.

Deep lore: Eating dogs, plus mean temper.

The racial slur of the day is Satchmo.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Originally Louis Armstrong's nickname. Can be heard amongst other slurs in the People Haters song, "You're A Nigger"

The racial slur of the day is Puke.

It is used to refer to Mixed Races.

Deep lore: Polish/Ukrainian

The racial slur of the day is Jiffy Pop.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Specifically Rastifarians. The traditional Rastafarian hat resembles a popped container of Jiffy Pop popcorn

The racial slur of the day is Fingernail Rancher.

It is used to refer to Asians.

Deep lore: A lot of Asians own Nail Salons

The racial slur of the day is Mudskipper.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: A white woman who dates black men.

The racial slur of the day is Jewop.

It is used to refer to Mixed Races.

Deep lore: Jewish/Italian mix (Jew+Wop).

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