Learning new vocabulary daily with fedi. Posts random racial slur every day.
Source of data: http://rsdb.org
The racial slur of the day is Brillo Pad.
It is used to refer to Blacks.
Deep lore: Hair reminiscent of a Brillo Pad.
The racial slur of the day is Remote Control.
Deep lore: Remotes are black and they do things for you. (slavery)
The racial slur of the day is Wookie.
Deep lore: In reference to the big brown Chewbacca the Wookie
The racial slur of the day is Pus.
It is used to refer to Whites.
Deep lore: Blacks refer to whites as this because they are thought to infect everything they touch
The racial slur of the day is Octoroon.
It is used to refer to Mixed Races.
Deep lore: A person who is 1/8th Black. Originated by the Spanish in the 14th/15th century as they were very exact in their racial classifications to determine a person's worth in society.
The racial slur of the day is Sheep Dip.
Deep lore: Describes White Ranchers that have sex with Sheep.
The racial slur of the day is Burglar.
It is used to refer to Bulgarians.
Deep lore: The word sounds like "Bulgar"
The racial slur of the day is Portajew.
Deep lore: Puerto (Porta) Rican/Jewish mix.
The racial slur of the day is Candy Man.
Deep lore: Named after Sammy Davis Jr.'s famous song, the "Candy Man."
The racial slur of the day is Mo And Yo.
Deep lore: 2 of the more common sounds they make in their general street slang.
The racial slur of the day is Blow.
Deep lore: Originated from blacks originally living in Africa and using blow guns.
The racial slur of the day is Scratch-Back.
It is used to refer to Hispanics.
Deep lore: Mexicans (illegals) who crawl under fences, getting their backs scratched up in the process, to get into America.
The racial slur of the day is Cochise.
It is used to refer to Native Americans.
Deep lore: An Apache chief who killed many a white man
The racial slur of the day is Corky.
It is used to refer to Dominicans.
Deep lore: Sammy Sosa's corked bat.
The racial slur of the day is Tibbs.
Deep lore: Reference to one of the cast members of "In the Heat of the Night."
The racial slur of the day is Blue Gums.
Deep lore: Old myth that if one were bitten by a nigger with blue gums, they would die.
The racial slur of the day is Init.
Deep lore: Sioux Indians. Init is a actual word the Sioux like to use. We like to say this is "rez talk" so eventually it fit to call them Inits.
The racial slur of the day is Nappy Head.
Deep lore: Refers to hair type.
The racial slur of the day is Ni-ni.
Deep lore: Used instead of "nigger" in potentially sensitive company, to avoid being overheard, or to appear politically correct.
The racial slur of the day is Prairie Nigger.
Deep lore: Where Natives originate, or were sent
Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.