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The racial slur of the day is Antique Farm Equipment.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Slaves being used for labor.

The racial slur of the day is Swinger.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Blacks being hung

The racial slur of the day is Chankoro.

It is used to refer to Chinese.

Deep lore: Derogatory Japanese word for "chink"

The racial slur of the day is Rope-Head.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Name for younger black women who use thick, braided hair weaves because the end result often looks like rope.

The racial slur of the day is Wikki Wikki.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: DJ turntable scratching noise, often heard in rap music.

The racial slur of the day is Rigger.

It is used to refer to Russians.

Deep lore: A Russian who thinks he is a gangster from the streets.

The racial slur of the day is Naca.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: North American Concrete Ape

The racial slur of the day is Bananame.

It is used to refer to Asians.

Deep lore: "Banana" and "anime." Refers to Asians, esp. Filipinos, who are fixated on Japanese pop culture(anime, music, etc.), only date Japanese, try to be Japanese.

The racial slur of the day is Cabbie.

It is used to refer to Arabs.

Deep lore: A large portion of cab drivers seem to be foreigners, mostly of Arab or Indo descent.

The racial slur of the day is Tonk.

It is used to refer to Mexicans.

Deep lore: Illegal Mexican immigrants. "Tonk" is the sound that is made when the illegals are hit over the head with the large flashlights/batons that the US border patrolmen carry.

The racial slur of the day is Yitze.

It is used to refer to Jews.

Deep lore: Name for Jews. Also Yitze Braun, Yitze Braud

The racial slur of the day is Niggeroid.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Usually light skinned mixed breed black and any other race.

The racial slur of the day is Jewmaican.

It is used to refer to Jews.

Deep lore: A Jewish person that acts Jamaican or Rastafarian or is half Jamaican.

The racial slur of the day is Farang/Falang.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Means foreigner (i.e. non-Thai) of the white race. It is very frequently used in a simple descriptive way. It's negative only if the intent of the speaker is such.

The racial slur of the day is Flip.

It is used to refer to Filipinos.

Deep lore: Shortened and rearranged term, easier to say. Could also stand for "Funny (or Fucking) Little Island People".

The racial slur of the day is Bruised Banana.

It is used to refer to Asians.

Deep lore: A "banana" who acts black.

The racial slur of the day is Kaffir.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: In apartheit South Africa, it meant much the same as 'nigger' does in the United States.

The racial slur of the day is Chack.

It is used to refer to Mixed Races.

Deep lore: Chinese/Black

The racial slur of the day is Porky.

It is used to refer to Jews.

Deep lore: The Old Testament forbids them to eat pork

The racial slur of the day is Buffy.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: From Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A reference to teenage white girls who watch and identify with the show's main character.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

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