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The racial slur of the day is Jacker.

It is used to refer to Arabs.

Deep lore: Many prominent hijackings over the past 25 years were done by various Arab/Islamic fundamentalist groups.

The racial slur of the day is California Roll.

It is used to refer to Asian/White.

Deep lore: Much like the food, a mix of American and Asian. Also Asians, and thus half-Asians are much more prevalent on the west coast than on the East.

The racial slur of the day is N.L.B..

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: "Nigger Loving Bitch." Represents a woman, while not of the African race, sleeps with those who are.

The racial slur of the day is Abeed.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Arabic term that means Black, many Middle Eastern immigrants to the United States use this

The racial slur of the day is Railer.

It is used to refer to Chinese.

Deep lore: They built the railroads all across the US.

The racial slur of the day is Cocksauce.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Semen is white.

The racial slur of the day is Coltrane.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: In reference to John Coltrane, the famous Jazz saxophonist. Used in the film "The Royal Tenenbaum's"

The racial slur of the day is Mat Saleh.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Malaysian slur for caucasians.

The racial slur of the day is Anchor Baby.

It is used to refer to Mexicans.

Deep lore: Children of parents who crossed the border illegally

The racial slur of the day is Cracker Jack.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Same as cracker only derived from the popcorn

The racial slur of the day is Smoke-Signal.

It is used to refer to Native Americans.

Deep lore: Many American Indians communicated by using smoke signals.

The racial slur of the day is Underbite.

It is used to refer to Koreans.

Deep lore: Koreans are said to have large underbites.

The racial slur of the day is OPEC.

It is used to refer to Arabs.

Deep lore: The Organization of Petrolium Exporting Countries

The racial slur of the day is Scotch.

It is used to refer to Scottish.

Deep lore: Archaic synonym for "Scottish." Fell out of common use because of the association with whiskey, but now used occasionally as a derogatory term. Slur was used to invent the term (brand name) "Scotch Tape"

The racial slur of the day is Goat Roper.

It is used to refer to Whites.

Deep lore: Often used as a term for suburban cowboys.

The racial slur of the day is Grease Ball.

It is used to refer to Italians.

Deep lore: Multiple origins. The most common being that the Italian people supposedly have an abnormally oily dermis and epidermis.

The racial slur of the day is Nigook.

It is used to refer to Mixed Races.

Deep lore: Nigger + gook. Self explanatory.

The racial slur of the day is Mule.

It is used to refer to Hispanics.

Deep lore: Hispanics transport drugs.

The racial slur of the day is Hebe/Heeb.

It is used to refer to Jews.

Deep lore: Short for Hebrew.

The racial slur of the day is Nigonometry.

It is used to refer to Blacks.

Deep lore: Blacks who are scholars at math.

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