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There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator
and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it.

Something you can do today to spread freedom is to train someone how to use a firearm. You could also go to gun shows and buy guns and ammo to give away as gifts to as many Americans as you can.

Banning guns won't be easy if everyone is a gunowner.

One reason Americans are tolerating tyranny now is that they have food, AC, and beer. Once the guns are outlawed, Communists are elected in 2020 or 2024, or the US Ponzi economy pops and people are starving in the street, Civil War 2.0 could start.

Time is running out.

One reason Rome was so successful was because Rome allowed everyone in the lands they conquered to have Roman citizenship. If Iraq, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan, Greenland, or Puerto Rico became US states then they could all be US citizens.

Can you feel it?

Every day a little more ground is lost. The genetic clock is steadily ticking away, and when that hand strikes midnight you will have no biological substance worth saving. The path is clear, either maintain the course as a castrated slave and die, or fight for your existence. No one is going to save you, as this is YOUR doing. We are all culpable in this matter, so share your burden of the responsibility.

Online communities like these really reveal how domesticated and subservient Whites have become. You have aquired some Truth, yet you are too afraid of your own shadow to act upon the Truth. It's pathetic and if circle jerks like these are the most that will come out of you learning about your biological destruction then you deserve it. Whites deserve Nature's solution. We deserve everything and worse.

See you on the other side.

There are other good
books, but "The Brigade" is recommended.

The novel is extremely well written all considered.

READ THE BOOK. Trust me.

Can you feel it?

Every day a little more ground is lost. The genetic clock is steadily ticking away, and when that hand strikes midnight you will have no biological substance worth saving. The path is clear, either maintain the course as a castrated slave and die, or fight for your existence. No one is going to save you, as this is YOUR doing. We are all culpable in this matter, so share your burden of the responsibility.

Online communities like these really reveal how domesticated and subservient Whites have become. You have aquired some Truth, yet you are too afraid of your own shadow to act upon the Truth. It's pathetic and if circle jerks like these are the most that will come out of you learning about your biological destruction then you deserve it. Whites deserve Nature's solution. We deserve everything and worse.

See you on the other side.

Those who become victims of the police state become Libertarians.

NSA agents might also become redpilled by tracking thought crimes.

How could any American be so unethical to value a paycheck more than the Bill of Rights? What kind of mental gymnastics would you need to do to betray your country?


Americans are so retarded today that they say the US government only spends money on welfare.

Americans scream Stalin invaded France in 1940 before Germany did.

Americans swear gold should be confiscated.

Americans insist that the Gestapo, NSA agents, and TSA agents cannot quit and are completely powerless about refusing to enforce unconstitutional laws.

Americans say that the elites promote homosexuality, feminism, slavery reparations, illegal immigration, abortion, global warming and the minimum wage constantly because the ruling powers don't support them.

Americans insist that a collapsing economy will only affect Jews.

Americans claim America doesn't exist.

Americans swear that the government doesn't force you to buy insurance.

Americans insist anyone who loves freedom is a Jew.

Americans say that the US debt has never declined.

Americans insist closing stores will lower prices and help the economy.

Americans claim tyranny is perfectly acceptable now because the US has been a police state for 20 years.

Americans voluntarily buy products from China and then Americans turn around and say China has destroyed the US.

Americans say libraries must be closed.

Americans insist that the government is kind, but businesses are evil because companies have a vested interest in torturing, robbing, killing, and jailing their customers.

Americans say Nazis don't exist.

Americans swear tyranny is wonderful because Gandhi supported freedom.

Americans insist US soldiers are from Zimbabwe.

Americans scream destroying your economy with a trade war is a positive indicator.

Americans insist Islam caused Rome to collapse.

Americans swear that the best response to living in a bankrupt warmongering police state is to ignore the facts, defend the government, and attack the messenger.

Americans insist mortgages should be illegal.

Americans say vaping must be banned because a few vaping companies don't want to be kosher.

Americans don't mind if articles about the police state are censored, because Americans don't care about tyranny or censorship.

Americans claim Muslims don't believe in God.

Americans say that the US never had black people before today.

Americans insist that the USPS is wonderful because stamps are cheap, but Americans are simply unable to understand that the USPS receives subsidies from American taxpayers.

Americans swear that the US doesn't have any churches.

Americans insist that the US always had food stamps.

Americans swear a country will die without debt.

Americans say that the USA always had TSA groping.

Americans scream that the government should force companies to give food to the homeless.

Americans swear that the US does not have a Ponzi economy because you can buy products online with a smartphone.

Americans insist the US is not at war with any country now.

Americans swear that the US debt doesn't need to be paid back.

Americans scream tyranny that happened 2 weeks ago is no longer relevant.

Americans say certain tyranny today under Socialism is better than Capitalism that leads to possible tyranny tomorrow.

Americans scream that the elites want to crash the economy so the USA will be a free country again.

Americans have become so batshit insane now that they would rather insult the messenger who warns of the dangers of tyranny instead of criticizing the government that is enslaving them.

Americans swear tyranny is wonderful if you live in a society.

Americans say anyone who loves freedom is a Commie.

Americans swear anyone who hates tyranny is a reactionary.

Americans insist that living in North Korea would be better then living in South Korea.

Here's what I think is actually gonna happen. The kikes are gonna crash the economy Weimar-style and introduce Zuckerberg's Libra as the new global currency. Then they're going to introduce a social credit system and
make it so that Whites lose social credit score if they mate in their race, and terrorize us subtly and in a more coercive than forceful manner.

They might even make a sex change a social credit score reward. Whites will be able to refuse, but the Jews will make White dissidents homeless if they choose to have a White family, follow traditional gender roles, or even refuse to live by a non-white. The Jews could implement this well before Whites are even a minority in the West.Tragically, most Whites will be content with that, as it would still technically be legal for Whites to refuse; they'd just be penalized to the point where they can't buy even a loaf of bread, no matter how rich they are.

You see, these types of kikes aren't the inbred retards from the Middle East, they are quite inventive when it comes to inventing new ways to control a population. It's a tragedy the Romans didn't exterminate and replace them almost 2,000 years ago, when Europe represented sixty-percent of the World's population.

The Jews wont't have to repeal any of the amendments in the US constitution. It's redundant.

They only need to implement a social credit system with the (((free market))) and reduce the social credit score of anyone who exercises their rights to the point where one's living on the street, at the mercy of the Brown hordes.

Give up your free speech rights.

Surrender your religious freedom.

Give up your guns.

Give up your right to silence.

Give up your privacy.

Give up your property rights.

Give up your right to a trial.

Give up your right to be free from torture.


Worship your masters. Lick their boots.

Love the state.

Ignore the history of the gulags in the USSR, the Nazi concentration camps, the Chinese cultural revolution, and the Cambodian killing fields.

Allow your overlords to decide your medical care, what you eat, what you wear, what you do, what you buy, where you go, what you say, what you read, what you think, and what you believe.

The government knows what’s best for you.

Tyranny is the American way, right?

Here's what I think is actually gonna happen. The kikes are gonna crash the economy Weimar-style and introduce Zuckerberg's Libra as the new global currency. Then they're going to introduce a social credit system and
make it so that Whites lose social credit score if they mate in their race, and terrorize us subtly and in a more coercive than forceful manner.

They might even make a sex change a social credit score reward. Whites will be able to refuse, but the Jews will make White dissidents homeless if they choose to have a White family, follow traditional gender roles, or even refuse to live by a non-white. The Jews could implement this well before Whites are even a minority in the West.Tragically, most Whites will be content with that, as it would still technically be legal for Whites to refuse; they'd just be penalized to the point where they can't buy even a loaf of bread, no matter how rich they are.

You see, these types of kikes aren't the inbred retards from the Middle East, they are quite inventive when it comes to inventing new ways to control a population. It's a tragedy the Romans didn't exterminate and replace them almost 2,000 years ago, when Europe represented sixty-percent of the World's population.

The Jews wont't have to repeal any of the amendments in the US constitution. It's redundant.

They only need to implement a social credit system with the (((free market))) and reduce the social credit score of anyone who exercises their rights to the point where one's living on the street, at the mercy of the Brown hordes.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.