compiling my one and a half years outdated pleroma instance to see if it works on the most recent elixir version

@hideki it seems I will need to, the old version doesn't seem to work here

@dirb downgrade the elixir version, problem solved

@hideki I'm on arch now, and the other instance was on whatever version its available on ubuntu 18.04

I don't think that's possible

@dirb @hideki

you can try installing an older version through asdf, I have no idea how the installation would go that way though

@orekix @hideki it just seems like more bloat tho

even tho I will using just one version, I bet it has packed various core shared libraries

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@dirb @hideki

definitely includes bloat :rokalife:

try to update the instance with the elixir in arch's repo I guess

@orekix @hideki already try to run the version I was using and it didn't work because a bunch of warnings. trying to see if I can get v1.1.9 running

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