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i didnt even get that drunk last night and then everyone left me

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kiwifarms.cc doesn't require an email address for registration because it's not ethical to do so, and has so far been unnecessary.

I would never block the email domains of cock.li (unlike other services) because they are one of the few providers of no-strings-attached email accounts.

bro i just got so drunk in vrchat. being drunk in vr is totally different from being drunk irl holy shit. im way more wasted outside the hmd than inside.

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Quarantine protesters confirmed Gablins.

RT @LABasedComedian@twitter.com

Bird and I got accused of being antifa and were booed out of the protest. A fat woman told me, “You can’t talk that way to a woman!”

wtf im considering spending real money on a cute anime girl

I used my lunchbreak to fix my vrchat avatar, that's right I'm a real gamer now.

daily reminder that alex jones is a disinfo agent who claims the earth is round

making bird porn in blender is my new hobby, i bet furries would pay shit tons of $$ for this

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wtf is wrong with people in vrchat. these bitches dont even wanna chat, they just sit silently in their corner looking at their hands. You didnt have fucking spend $800 on VR do be an antisocial retard, homie

mark my words, people who previously thought that giving people free money was a good thing are going to say the Trump check was a bad thing because people spent it on "the wrong things"

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