It is hard for me to not scream at people when they eat animals. We are not cavemen anymore, it's paying someone to end an animal's life. If you wouldn't shoot someone or drive a knife into their throat then stop paying someone else to do it. Being vegan is absolutely the morally superior position and I'm tired of being surrounded by complacent people. Killing an innocent being for no reason other than enjoying the taste of their flesh is a hostile act of injustice. Show some empathy for others who share this world with you. It's really not that hard, and should be the standard behavior we expect from everyone.


It's normal animal behavior. We're not exceptional in this regard. It's only because of our big brains that we've become so efficient at it.

When vegans hold a decent chunk of world athletics records then maybe you'll have an argument that it's purely about complacency. But we're built to eat meat. If you want the world to stop eating meat, go get a degree in biotech and start working on the factory-grown stuff. Until real synthetic alternatives exist, things are just going to continue as they are.

@dave You mean like Patrik Baboumian, multiple world record holder and Germany's strongest man? Remind me what nutrient isn't found in plants. Believe me, I've thought this through. There is no conviction I hold more strongly, but because it took effort for me to draw this conclusion.


@alex @dave
damn that dude's eating popeye's spinach

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