Loli, fantasy, RPG 

A sorcerer or witch encounter but instead of attacking you directly, they keep cursing you with new fetishes until you're forced to flee or submit...

*CURSED* Loli Bunny wants to buy a skintight latex suit!!

*CURSED* Loli Bunny now thinks she would look cute with nipple piercings??!

*CURSED* Loli Bunny is thinking of whips being cracked against her back..

*CURSED* Loli Bunny thinks the opponent's feet look pretty today..

*CURSED* Loli Bunny started barking on command!!!


Loli, fantasy, RPG 

*CURSED* Covering your chest and crotch feels unnatural!

*CURSED* Walking is so hard! It's much easier on hands and knees

*CURSED* Thirst keeps growing and only quenched by fresh hot cum or cunny juice. MUST be freshly extracted~

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