@gruyere fun fact: Haiti is recognized as the only state in history established by a "successful" slave revolt.

Yeah, very successful in the long run
@racuna @gruyere

If you read the history of the slave rebellion, and what the colonial powers did to Haiti afterward, you would see why it is the way it is today.

Imagine Russian style sanctions, but harsher, on an island republic of ex-slaves. Not to mention agricultural sabotage done as revenge to starve the ex-slaves.

And that republic had no allies like Russian had China.

1804 Haiti was amazing...I'm surprised it's existed as a country this long, to be quite honest.

It's gone through many trials since.

Oh yeah, just learned that USA and Canada planning to invade Haiti.

If you have time, read links below in order. You will see how an ex-cop in Haiti who is trying to stabilize Haiti (after their leader was assassinated, um...was it last year or 2021?) against growing gang elements is himself now being characterized as a gang leader.

I don't know all the details, but it looks fishy.


@Waerloga @racuna @gruyere It seems like they would be happy enough biking around in the mud if the glowies and politicians would just leave them alone. I hate the Antichrist.

@PorkCow @Waerloga @racuna

Yeah, I mean, established powers fucking with developing countries is a tale as old as time. Some get a lot more fucked than others, but someone out there is always fucking with your way of life.

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