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Gruyère boosted
@MK2boogaloo At the end he doesn't want to suck cock anymore and can get work done :ina_nod:

@Mr_NutterButter yes. The internally ugly people they have crusaded to erase beauty and mastery from the world so what they see can be like how they feel.

Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
"Not all gays are child molesters"

Ok but this dude knew SIX other gays that were. That means that one gay dude knows enough pedophiles to nearly run a baseball team.

I don't know seven people I could call for a board game night
Gruyère boosted
@Hoss @Suzu @MeBigbrain @PraxisOfEvil @mrsaturday God exists and he's the top shitposter, nothing will convince me of the contrary.
Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted
Gruyère boosted

That one friend that insists everyone should be in therapy despite 20 years of it himself and still being mentally unwell.

Gruyère boosted

If I’m going to lift today I’m going to need some proper Christmas music. Alright, time to squat.

Gruyère boosted
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.