@ChristiJunior "ust a trans girl who loves to make shota/loli-themed and trans supremacy porn captions"

The absolute fuck??
@ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl That shit infects every thing.

Like anime used to be about "damn this shit is cool, what talent it must require so lets appreciate it"

Now it's all this "well as an autistic demi-trans I feel welcome in the community...."

curb stomp
@ins0mniak @Typicalgamergirl Kindness to trannies is Cruelty towards everything good and decent. Trannies are demons, anything you do to make them suffer is a good deed.
@ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl Thing is, no one would give two shits if they weren't constantly inserting themselves into fucking everything. Like they can't go into a Burger King with out screeching about pro-nouns and trying to get some minimum wage kid fired.

The only options are try to ignore them or laugh when they flip out as they inevitably do.

Anything else and guys like us end up on the news.
@ins0mniak @Typicalgamergirl I dunno, trannies are so vile and despised that I don't really think GloboHomo can successfully Cancel you for being trannyphobic - there's a reason why so many Republicans have pushed anti-Grooming policies these last few years.
@ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl Oh I agree but it doesn't stop shit outlets like say your local news or something that wants to start fucking you up.

Like look at this shit. Fucker is built like a linebacker.
@helldiverliberator @Typicalgamergirl @ChristiJunior Lol.

Even just ten years ago it was a perfectly acceptable thing to laugh at and rightfully so.
@ins0mniak @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator
It took less than a decade after legalizing gay marriage for the fags to ruin the country beyond recognition. They're a societal poison that needs to be firmly sealed away.
@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator @ins0mniak

why blame the homosexuals when liberalism is obviously at fault

humans are big ego pricks who cannot admit individualism is retarded

@amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @ins0mniak

And let’s not forget the mainstream media too especially during that bullshit COVID pandemic!

@ins0mniak @Typicalgamergirl @ArdainianRight @amerika @ChristiJunior

The mainstream media is what brainwashed millions of people about both Trump and that pandemic.

@Dicey @amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator I turn on the news man and all I ever see is some dipshit barking. Sometimes a dipshit barking at another dipshit.

@ins0mniak @amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator These people lack any of the elements that makes us human. Which is why it feels like your soul leaving your body watching them
@ins0mniak @Dicey @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator

It's all drama to fool the voters, who have the ultimate power but are afraid to use it because they are proles.
@helldiverliberator @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @ins0mniak

Panic fed off of panic referring to panic as sources.

Funny how Wikipedia just cucked and ducked and went along with it.
@amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator I mean it's all lowest common denomiator.

The academy now functions as a business in the way CNN does. Gov money, raise costs, milk the proles.
@amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator Welcome to the 21st century.

I mean academia is just producing $120,000 NPC's.

I went on a date with this chick from Georgetown a few years ago, it was staggering how un-informed and un-read she was.

She taking economics so I was all "cool what do you think of the Kensyan vs Hayek debate"

Blank stare.
@ins0mniak @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator

Academia is about being conversant with the latest trends, not the whole of the field.

Kind of funny that.
@amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator And milking the system.

They keep finding ways to get that sweet .gov .edu cash, so of course they lowering their standards. Harvard? Sat scores?

pffft thats racist!!!!
@ins0mniak @amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator
I once dated a gorgeous chick who was basically tits on a stick. She lived with her parents. And when I picked her up, her parents were noticeably worried about something. When I got her in my car and started talking too her, I realized that she was probably either retarded or brain damaged some how. I instantly realized that her parents knew I was going too rail their precious 20 year old daughter by impressing her with a magic trick or something.
One of the best dates I ever went on. Definitely a pull out situation though. Haha
@Jonny @amerika @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator Yeah good point. I had a similar sitch and I was kinda freaked out for a while. Like I wrapped it up and shit but my imagination was running away.
@ins0mniak @ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior @Typicalgamergirl @helldiverliberator

It's the talisman-scapegoat cycle:

* Talisman will make Utopia
* Scapegoat will make Satan

They manipulate the credulous, greedy, and distracted herd with those.
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