terraria dev doubling down on the gender bullshit they implemented in terraria

i fucking hate clownworld

@rlier23 First Runesapce, now this? How the fuck did we let this happen?

@helldiverliberator @rlier23 The majority of gamers were silent when these parasites entered the gaming sphere and are now suffering the consequences.
Total Tranny Death
@Ronnie21093 @helldiverliberator fucking forget that they were silent MOST OF THEM DEFENDED THEM, REMEMBER ALL THOSE FUCKING CENTRISTS?

I'm asking if you guys can gatekeep because ot doesn't seem like a thing anymore unless the thing the community forms around works either actively or passively to exclude/push away those it doesn't want or wouldn't want to have around

Blue Archive is mostly successful with gatekeeping. Hard to shame them when they play the openly cunny waifu collector game.

Anybody advocating for males or uglies is told to fuck off. The trannies are told shut the fuck up or leave.

You go to BA because it's the cunny game, anybody trying to change that gets shouted out.

Senseis even got the cops shut down over trying to fuck up the cunny game.

@helldiverliberator @William_The_Dragonborn @rlier23 @Ronnie21093

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