>female character
>average boobs and ass
>ordinary bikini you can see at the beach
>hur dur it's creepy

We are constantly forced to play this retarded cultural relativism game with basic biology because trannies and faggots are incapable of staying in their lane and not infecting every single thing with their dysgenic ugliness.

There is no "modern audience", there are millions of people using Steam and only 83 bought dustborn, less than 700 bought concord, there are asset flips with higher numbers.

@soravu @mikuphile

Why is it that Asian developers make their female characters sexy and realistic while the ones in the west make them look like a bunch of ugly abominations?

@helldiverliberator @soravu @mikuphile hey, don't be rude man. The middle-right western chick is a self-insert of a developer who really looks exactly like that. That one wasn't uglified at all.
@animeirl @helldiverliberator @mikuphile vtmb had some hot female characters and that was a western gamedev.

therese/jeanette, vv, pisha, etc etc etc
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