
It is normal that i get angry about these Twitter disputed memes, because it's taking too lightly something that should be outraging internet people?

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@hideki I see it is more as they're mocking the one-sidedness of it.

@hideki it's a clown world meme. The point is that it's so horrible that you either mock it or shoot yourself.
@hideki @nerthos delegitimizing things by mocking them is a way of changing things.
@hideki @nerthos why "fix" twitter when people can just stop using it altogether
@nerthos @hideki ah, I like the meme, it's not like nothing is being done, the two lizards were pushed by some senators for censorship a few days ago but the best solution I guess is to keep using the fedi and other placers that can't be censored so lightly
@orekix @nerthos @hideki the meme is funny and pokes fun in the right way at it

:disputed: It is not funny to make fun of twitter. Learn about hate speech today.
@fluffy @orekix @hideki @nerthos Some of the mes are god awful, but the format is good. Stuff like the Socrates, Deus Ex, or Ron Paul WMD one are all good examples of why it is bad, while also being funny
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