
Today has been a very bad day, first i ask people if they aren't mad that Twitter censors stuff and control online opinion and i only get a :peepoShrug: as response.

Then facebook starspoking its nose into the software i love.

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Normies are extremely hard to convince. Even people with high cognitive abilities are. You can just warn them and say I told you so when it happens.
And even when that happens, because it already happens, actually it happened again three days ago when my father got his post censored for a third time. He continues to use it without seeking a freaking solution.

And it happened the next day when a URL that he "saved" on his mobile phone disappeared by "magic".
I don't know what it gets to get normies to move, but I believe that they need to get Google/facebook/MS Storms Troopers stomping their face on the floor to realize what's happening.

One of the few reasons I can convince people to migrate to free software is when they see it as less of an inconvenience than proprietary software, and that them and I will waist less money on working with that.
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