Render date: 09 August 2020

Looking forward to bigger challenges, i wanted to make some kind of object that could be comprised of several smaller ones, maybe not that hard to model but enouh that every detail could count, and try to make it as faithful as i could, so i made this bike. It took me around two weeks to make it and had to watch another round of tutorials to create some of the stuff pictured here. The following days i will upload some enviroments where i put the bike and that also were kind of hard to make on their own.

@takenori You're like, really good at this. Maybe you can get a comfy graphic design job, I'd totally hire you if I ever did anything 3d

@thestrongest @takenori thanks for you're words, i really need a lot of training yet, but i'm sometimes torn between "practical 3d" or "artistic 3d", which are two different things, sometimes i lean more to the artful but we'll see

If you're wondering why i reply you with this account, is because i've noticed that replies from pixelfed don't federate for some reason.

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