@hideki austrians in the town "fucking": rename town to fugging
horneytown: we will find you
"Man, I can't believe I'm having engine trouble again. Hey, what did you say the name of this town was?"
@hideki It has an RFID tag? ROFLMAO. So if you see a reader, go around it. These warnings are bluster, and have the opposite effect on someone like me. If you are worried about the GPS (as if) leave it at a house belonging to someone you don't like. If scary looking dudes haven't retrieved it in say one week...
@1967GTO @hideki I think they are worried about people stealing the sign to hang it up in their room. I totally would
@Nirty_Digger @hideki City loses so many street signs they started a program, custom made available for purchase (temporarily on hold rn)

@hideki thanks for the warning, i'll make sure to remove them
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