Well, not too shabby for Dall-E Mini, maybe Midjourney COULD put out something more detailed... but i'm skeptic about the faces.

Well i used Midjourney,and the exact same prompt yielded this result.

Dall-E Mini was more on point with what i had in mind.


Now had a chance to test an AI model running StableDiffusion and i gave it the same prompt. Dall-E mini is still winning to me.

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The good thing is that you can run StableDiffusion however you'd like, and that you have lots of people doing the prompt engineering for you because of this.

StableDiffusion is, I think, the worst in needing looong prompts to get cool shit. But it's worth it.

"A portrait of a samurai, young with long hair, wearing white robe, brandishing katana with red hilt, matte painting, hyper realistic, very detailed, intricate, forest, unreal engine, dramatic cinematic lighting rendered by octane, 8 k, detailed"

Steps: 50, Sampler: k-diffusion, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 3866088339, GFPGAN

using everything as described in https://rentry.org/kretard
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