
Artists being a bit over dramatic.

Maybe AI will make artists to start toning down their commision prices? Sometimes they are a bit crazy

· · Dashboard FE · 2 · 4 · 6

Artists: "Ai will kill my source of income! Please commision us!"
>Ok, what are your prices?

Honestly I always felt artists undercharged for commissions. Like I'd never pay "fair" prices, but they spend hours and hours on commissions, if they're charging less than 100USD they're probably making less than $10/hr on them
"The correct price is what people are willing to pay" x1000

@ademan it always goes hand in hand with the skill of the artist.

It's okay if you want to sell your art at any price you want, but for god's sake at least TRY to keep improving if you want to land commisions.

Oh yeah, I mean if you’re charging so much nobody wants your comms, that’s too much lol

The right price is that you have a steady stream of comm requests that you can handle. If you have too many requests to handle, you are charging too little, if you have too few, you are charging too much (or need to do some self promotion).

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