went with this pose, i want to give her a nice winter hat but cant decide on which one so i might not give her one :think_moe:

@Elfie @Loki None of those are winter hats nigger

my man Loki wants winter hats

Are you retorted or hwat

@Elfie @Loki

Great, now we are into a geography class just because you couldn't provide a proper alternative russian winter hat for my man Loki to draw.

@hideki @hideki @Elfie its ok, im used to him never providing proper solutions, just weird unconnected schizo rants
@hideki @hideki @Elfie ta cabrona su situacion, por eso reacciona asi :apensive:
@hideki @Loki @hideki
BUT I DID :jahy_waah::jahy_waah::jahy_waah:

I was gonna say good things about this last sketch but now I'm not gonna, actually it looks like shit, worse than hideki's blender bullshit
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