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Are you a wizard?

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went with this pose, i want to give her a nice winter hat but cant decide on which one so i might not give her one :think_moe:
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I have my session without password and run everything as root

Hay restos aqui de animales precolombinos

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[Warning] Eight dead wild boars near the "Kakuseishi" stone where the legend of "The Fox of Nine Tails" remains.
Although carcasses of animals have been found in the past, it is rare to find as many as eight carcasses at once, and those involved were surprised, saying, "We have never heard of such a large number. Toxic volcanic gases emitted from the area are believed to be the cause.
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People are calling "art" the output of an AI with a prompt generated by another AI

Always when i have a cold or something related in my throat, i always feel this urge to drink cold drinks

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