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Look at that! today i made another strip of the adventures of John and Cacodemon!

Hideki boosted

I'll have to spend a lot of money to have the bike fixed ffs... basically will have to buy a new frame and all

Hideki boosted

Case in point, why do you need fucking geometry nodes to make HORNS???

"Oh, i want to add a wave texture around the horns using geometry nodes..." WHAT???

These tutorials only cause newbies to try to use hammers where a screwdriver is needed...

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Ahhhh yes, let's add unneeded complexity to make something that can be made in less than 20 minutes using regular modeling...

"BuuT YoU CaN mAkEiT PrOcEdUrAlLy"

Maybe stop being a lazy brainlet for a moment???

Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted

Hi everyone, I just opened my shop!!

To celebrate I made a 2022 calendar with my mushroom art, that you can print or use as wallpaper, available for free until the end of the month~~ (donations appreciated <3)

RToots to help me spread the word, thank you
#mastoart #shop #artist

Hideki boosted

I'm glad you like the drawing despite being so rushed!

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Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted
@hideki @Elfie I've been thinking of doing like my favourite artist, he would post a bunch of images during a week, 1~2 pieces of gold per day.
And then disappears for months, just to do it again unprompted


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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.