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I know it's not complete and it's a lot flawed but if i don't use my i feel naked

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@deadheat I learned blender years ago.

I make great milkshakes and fruitshakes. :backfromgab:

yep gelbooru api is not working... gonna disable the bots for a bit.. i don't even know why i haven't fixed that, they should stop posting if the api returns a bad result.

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I've seen a recipe that called for "a bee's dick of salt."
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Cute toes can do more for a nation than two old fucks ever could.
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I've seen alot of confusion around the fediverse abt this so I made a handy chart to clear things up.
Hope its helpful.

Infinitive: boobare(1st declension)

Nomative: booba/boobae
Genative: boobae/boobarum
Dative: boobae/boobis
Accusative: boobam/boobas
Abblative: booba/boobis
Vocative: booba/boobae

(Some accents omitted due to limitations of my phone.)
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.