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Second attempt for the space station on first level detail

Logre atajar un dolor de cabeza que me queria llegar asi como que bien durito

There's another big project that i thought about yesterday, i can work on that instead

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Oh no, they announced a game with a space station
I'll leave the space station for later and work on another thing instead

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Since i cant play any new games, i can easily skip the whole E3 thing

Also the topology its absolute shit for something that simple, let's try again tomorrow

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Hideki boosted
Hideki boosted

Little fact about me that it's mostly unknown to you people:

i DON'T speak italian.

Hideki boosted

I uploaded the Chiptune mixtape to my web page.

Also i re-uploaded the MP3 of the AcidJazz mixtape since it had been DMCA'd

cc @karolat @coyote

My brother is trying to get me to watch "The Office", but i already watched 5 episodes and dropped it out of boredom.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.