>father, mother
Ok, so you replace that with "parents"
>son, daughter
I'm guessing you replace with "child/offspring"
>brother, sister
Replace with sibling
>uncle, aunt
Umm... what do you replace that with? From what I can tell, this is where it all really starts breaking down.
"first cousin" isn't even gendered, again no reasonable replacement for "nephew/niece". Replacing "husband/wife" with "life partner" is retarded, since even the gay community rejected that shit, and insisted they would be called "husband and husband" or "wife and wife".
The "in-law"s work reasonably well, but who'd use "step-offspring"? And "step-child" sounds like you're using children as a step ladder or something.


@alyx @jeff@pl.i2p.rocks yet grandfather and grandmother is okay. Makes sense

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