what boomers and x-ers fail to grasp when they mock zoomers for "not being able to handle 5-8" is that zoomers 5-8 is nothing like theirs ever was, when they were properly taught and introduced to the workforce; could freely socialize, drink cofe, and waste company time on petty drama; and even while wasting time they knew they would be paid good enough to support a family and even have some time nice vacation

nobody is there to teach zoomers pretty much anything even when (and they often do) pay for their internship instead of getting paid; no socializing can be done when eagle-eyed bosses screech when they "catch" you going to the bathroom; you have to be always available even after hours or else you're a "weak asset" and as a result get no rest; and when the payout is barely enough to pay rent and food but no luxuries like insulin, honestly, why even bother with 5-8

millennials are a special case, they never entered the workforce at all, forever denied by the "you have no work experience :(" barrier

@matana I've been in the workforce for over a decade as a millenial lol wut. Otherwise yeah X and above are clueless about material conditions for the youth.
if you have real skills, inteview well and have a handful of certs you can easily get hired places without experience.

That being said - it'll still basically be a rip off once you get in there, but at least it's an income vs nothing.
is that a joke? My parents didn't pass shit to me for inheritance, I got zero from them. And they had zero industry connections either. Maybe you just need to grow up and stop trying to be a starving artist and get a skill the market actually needs.
Only jews get nepotism benefits, ain't shit like that coming to white guys, but their racket is dying so that makes me smile.

We'll make this country a better deal for the zoomers after we kick these zog retards out.
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