I'm about ready to announce an new zemichi policy

You wanna hear it?
@cookie ok

People are too concerned about me taking the fediverse too seriously by refusing to join other instances if smug goes down for good so I've decided to be kind and announce a revision to this old zemichi rule.

If you add the clown :backfromgab: < this one
You get the clown

The ICS (international clown symbol) shall be used for all Clown requests henceforth.
@igeljaeger if that's a registration link nothing comes up, sorry.

I may have to use a computer but I unfortunately don't have one after my old one broke.
@zemichi nothing comes up for me either. Eeeeeh this new pleroma version pisses me off
@igeljaeger @zemichi :virgin: keeping up to date vs. :chad: it works and I'm not pulling until it breaks.

I'll look forward to @zemichi on FSE. We done *had* :backfromgab:.
@matrix @igeljaeger @p @zemichi
Tried to join but it's asking if I'm blocking cookies.

Pretty sure I'm not I haven't fucked with the phone browser.
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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.