1. Lack of items, forces the player to use a long winded "glory kill" instead of conserving ammo and scavenging the map for more items.
2. Minor, using a very small sections of Doom 1/2 as a easter egg instead of full thing is stupid.
3. it is not named Doom 4 which makes searching for older title even more difficult because they just had to use another marketing ploy method.
4. Doesn't even pre-places enemies in the map instead they get teleported, giving the player no way to scout more for clues.
5. Doesn't uses several traps map method used in older title such as raising down the walls that blocks further progress, so the player has to kill them .
6. Lack of target prioritization.
7. (((Bethesda))) got their dirty hands on it now.
8. It's trash.
9. Garbage.
@boris @matrix have there been any recent shooters that are better than this?
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