
So I got Misskey running. It's currently on a temporary VPS and on a domain
If you guys want me to make it permanent. I can set it up on a proper VPS and maybe with a better domain.


no, kill that thing and never let it breathe again
@orekix @matrix How bad can it be? Pleroma is already the embodyment of meme frameworks.
@nepfag probably worse than mastodon due to mongod vs postgresql, nothing special about the à @matrix

Does that also count buffer cache? My server says it only has 200MB free out of 8GB, but buffer cache accounts for 6,5GB.

@matrix it does, but mongod never stops eating ram, never, it'll make things hit swap and continue to eat everything

you could setup a cronjob to have it restart every 12 hours, but honestly just install pleroma⢠@nepfag

Currently 540MB is used on that VPS out of 2GB not counting buffer cache. We'll see.

Well. Looks like it's staying and I'm going to set up everything tomorrow. (SMTP, banner etc)

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