@matrix so orange man bad but islamic state making homosexuality illegal good?
@matrix Agreed. We should be anti-racist and re-criminalise homosexuality worldwide. If we put some effort, I think we can get it done before the year is over. ð
@matrix >decriminalize homosexuality
what the fuck i could have sworn that was already something that happened. thanks for the reminder that mainstream lgbt media is AWFUL and SHIT
@saga @matrix Wait, decriminalizing homosexuality is racist? That's a new one.

"Better stop supporting LGBT, what are you, a racist?" Aren't these the same people that are rabidly pro-trans everything?

I don't think they even read what they write anymore.
@clarkyCat @matrix it's about the trump administration working to get ye olde lgbt legalized in other countries, which makes the take at least follow the internal logic of us liberalism and diet socialism: imperialism B A D
@saga @clarkyCat @matrix Thanks saga, I was confused by the conjecture and was on the verge of asking for a link to the article.
@saga @clarkyCat @matrix

Trump and the right at large need to stop believing in the cancer that is Liberalism.
There is no end and none of the (((intersections))) make any sense.
@matrix alternative opinion to this which isn't as far-fetched as you would think

basically save fags get oil
@rambeaucockius2 @matrix watch the video for the guy's point if you want


boils down that wanting to defend lgbtqxyz in foo country could lead to it being invaded for freedomâ¢, not sure how far-fetched it is, has any country been invaded for violating women rights?
@orekix @matrix
Who is the guy with the initials MRN, with the green shirt and tie uniform? Communist, alt right...?
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