@matrix you can't even dichotomise most things like this

I'm guessing political compass is even a bigger one.

Is there even a test of political beliefs that is mostly objective?

@karen @DetectiveHyde
Although I think that what I wrote on Smugchain covers my principles more than enough.

@waifu @matrix @karen I'd reference the "trashcan of ideology" but it's basically just a meme-trap by a leftist so whatever

Politics is boring and therefore wrongâ¢

Yeah. I'm never able to finish anything, but I think that the introduction is decent.
@karen @DetectiveHyde

@matrix @DetectiveHyde @karen
This one's pretty accurate, you answer questions like always and it shows you what ideologies/outlooks you align with the most - and the least.
Wondering what you're gonna get. Last time (a year ago) I got Fascism tied with Deep Ecology.
@grips @matrix @DetectiveHyde @karen
Figured I'd give it a try. Came out with:
Clerical Fascism 83%
Fascism 90%
Compassionate Conservatism 83%
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