> literally a guy who paid people to beat him up so he pretend he was racism'd
> same as random weird opinion du jour
@orekix @rin @igeljaeger @matrix cvcvcv is the trickster whose job is to keep other tricksters tricky
To stop them from fluctuating to Kings

He's absolutely necessary. Fundamental to the Narrative of fedi. He's a DEITY.
@orekix @matrix @rin @igeljaeger Yeah, reminds me of the Tenkai fight in SMT4 where his only objective is to make sure you go forward as your true self (he's harder if your answers don't match your detected alignment) and that your true self can withstand him
@moonman @matrix subnormality is weird because he actually has really good visualization skills and can do funny punchlines, but some day he started to write long essays and draw some small pic below it and call it a comic
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