
Peterson is going to be debating Zizek. This is cool.


The brown scare is real. Say anything facist, that's bad.

This Zizek guy is an open Marxist. Like WTF? Why isn't he hanging from a tree?

Because you don't hang people from trees.
Zizek is fine. There worse ones out there.


Well, if they are commies you do.

I do not operate on the parameters of "there are worse."

If there is a murderer on the loose he can't be tolerated because a worse one exists.

All communists are mass murderer enablers. The only good commie is a dead commie.

Yeah, but Zizek isn't a murderer. Someone saying dumb shit isn't the same as murder.


Once he indocrinates enough people he will have been responsible. Giving this guy access to kids is sick.

There is literally 0 reason to let commies hold positions of authority. It is the most toxic ideology, even worse than Islam.
@IsaacWestcott @matrix

>This Zizek guy is an open Marxist. Like WTF? Why isn't he hanging from a tree?

Are you advocating death penalty for hate-speech and wrongthink?

That's one of the main reasons communism is toxic: escalating wrong-opinions to violence to suppress speech.

Don't fight poison with poison. Free speech is the best defense against communism, which is why commies are so against it.
@aven @matrix

They can speak, but giving them an audience - as educators at that - is foolish.

We can say "muh principles" all we want, but clearly one they gain power they will just lock you out as is happening now.

Why should we extend our enemies a courtesy they will never give us? Has giving them free speech thus far hindered them in anyway? It appears to have helped them a lot.

Communist ideas are now mainstream, their influence over culture way too strong, and their policies ever approaching realization. Fuck commies, and fuck enabling them.
@matrix I'm so glad for the IDW and steel-manning and having debates between champions respected by their side.

Too many "debates" these days are:

--Two people agreeing
--A strong debater vs. a weak debater (pwnage)
--Two weak debaters (Southpark-style cripple-fight!)
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